INTENT: The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage and assist full and part-time students in the pursuit of college, vocational, trade, or graduate school goals. 


I.  The Deadline for submitting applications and all required documents for this scholarship is on or before May 1.  If May 1 falls on a Sunday, the deadline will be May 2.

II.  Applications and all documents must be submitted via e-mail to the Scholarship Committee Chairperson, Edye Hill, at edyehill@yahoo.com or by mail to `Ainahau o Kaleponi Hawaiian Civic Club Scholarship Committee, 12534 Valley View Street, #343, Garden Grove, CA 92845.  Email is preferable for submissions.

III. The application process includes two phases.  Phase One is consideration of the written submission and Phase Two is an in-person panel interview.

Phase One: The selection process requires the following documents:

  1. A completed Application Form.  The Application Form must be legible and completed in ink or typewritten.

    1. An Essay, with a maximum of 2 double-spaced pages, should include the following information:

  1. A short biography;

  1. Accomplishments in the past 12 months;

  1. Extracurricular activities or work experience in the past 12 months;

  1. Community service or volunteer work in the past 12 months; and

  • Planned future contributions to the Hawaiian community and culture.

3. Most recent official transcript from an accredited school

4. Two (2) recommendation letters from individuals other than your parents or guardians

5. Signed Applicant Agreement

6. A 5”x7” photograph of the applicant or electronic copy of a photograph

7. Completed and signed IRS W9 Tax Form

An application is NOT considered complete until all seven (7) categories of documents are received before the deadline.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Phase 2: Qualifying applicants will be interviewed between May 30th and July 30th on dates determined by the Scholarship Committee.  Qualifying applicants will receive notification of the in person interview by May 30th.  Applicants should be appropriately dressed for a professional interview.  Only applicants who reside out-of-state are eligible for a telephonic interview.  The photograph of qualifying applicants will be used by `Ainahau o Kaleponi Hawaiian Civic Club for public display.  Photographs will not be returned.

IV. Scholarship recipients will be presented with their award at the annual Scholarship Aha`aina in August.  Scholarship recipients are expected to work and help at the Aha aina.    FUNDS ARE TO BE DISPURSED AT THE AHA`AINA IN AUGUST.

V. All scholarship recipients shall notify the Scholarship Committee in writing of any changes in their student status (including changes from full-time to part-time status or withdrawal).

VI. For more information and application, please contact the Scholarship Committee Chairperson, Edye Hill, at edyehill@yahoo.com.